How I Slow Down to Speed Up

As a real estate investor, realtor, and coach, life can get a bit hectic. This is why each quarter, I like to take a step back, unwind, and assess every aspect of my life and business.

The Process

I like to block off two nights at a nearby short-term rental via Airbnb or Vrbo. On my way there, I stop by local favorites, The Turnip Truck or Tin Wings, to pick up healthy, prepared meals, so I won’t have to spend my time or energy cooking. I also grab some fresh flowers and pack a candle, journal, and yoga mat to help this time off truly feel like a retreat.

Just because I’m here for business doesn’t mean this retreat can’t be relaxing. When I have time to clear my head, I can better focus on the logistics. The goal is to review the previous quarter’s numbers and determine what worked and didn’t work, what to keep or eliminate, what I can delegate, and what I need to focus on moving forward to help my business grow.

The trick is to strike a balance between rest and work. Here is how I spend each day balancing these two tasks to prepare for the next quarter:

Day 1

After check-in, I spend my first afternoon/evening at the rental clearing my head to prepare for the work ahead of me. This involves listening to a podcast, going on a walk, reading a good book, or practicing yoga to ease any stress I’ve been feeling. I then have dinner and go to bed early, so I feel refreshed for an early start the next morning.

Day 2

I start day 2 with an early morning yoga session before opening my journal to write down anything and everything that’s been on my mind lately. This helps to clear my mind, so I can focus better once it’s time to get down to business. I then review numbers and delve into any business successes and failures that occurred over the past quarter. And, make a list of the next quarter's goals.

Throughout the day, I make sure to take short breaks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After I’m finished working, I read for a while to ease into my nighttime routine and head to bed early once again.

Day 3

On my last day, I rise early to fit in yoga and another journaling session before checkout. As soon as I wrap up one quarter’s retreat, I start planning the next one and book the short-term rental I want. If you don’t book in advance, you risk getting busy and thinking you don’t have time to squeeze it into your schedule. By booking and paying for the rental in advance, you’re less likely to create an excuse for why you can’t go.


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